Each spring, the Albert Lea Civic Music Association holds auditions and awards scholarships to local musicians interested in furthering their musical studies.
Instrumental and Voice Lesson Scholarship Award
⤷ Brochure & Eligibility ⤷ Application Requirements
The Instrumental and Voice Lesson Scholarship Award is intended for instrumental and voice students living in Freeborn County. The scholarship seeks to support students who wish to further their private study. Any student, grade 6-12, is eligible for this scholarship.
Jerdet Summer Music Camp Scholarship
⤷ Brochure & Eligibility ⤷ Application Requirements
The Jerdet summer music camp scholarships are available for junior and senior high school students who are interested in attending a summer music program. Up to two awards are available in each age bracket. Auditions consist of two contrasting pieces in style and period.
Jerdet College Scholarship
⤷ Brochure & Eligibility⤷ Application Requirements
The Jerdet College Scholarship is available for matriculated college students. Awards are for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year college students. Audition requirements include a movement of a concerto and a contrasting piece from any time period. For vocal auditions, one piece must be in a foreign language and one in English.
Helen Wipplinger Organ and Piano Lesson Scholarship
⤷ Brochure & Eligibility⤷ Application Requirements
The Helen Wipplinger Organ and Piano Lesson Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of the late, Helen Wipplinger. Wipplinger was an accomplished musician and avid music lover who desired to promote and encourage the education and training of future church organists and pianists. Anyone wishing to pursue training to play in church should apply for this scholarship.
Adult lesson awards are also available. Applicants must prepare one of the required pieces, a piece of their choice, a hymn of their choice and a hymn that is sight-read.
Albert Lea Civic Music Scholarship Committee
Revised February 2025